Prufrock's Page

Friday, June 03, 2005

No, It's Not The Next Volume Of His Autobiography

The Knopf website has a report on the new Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel, Memoria de mis putas tristes, or Memories of My Melancholy Whores, as the literal English translation has it. To be available (in an English translation by the estimable Edith Grossman) in October this year.

This is from the website's somewhat cringe-making write-up:

“In my ninetieth year, I decided to give myself the gift of a night of love with a young virgin.”

An elderly journalist decides to celebrate his 90 years in a grand way, giving himself a present that will make him feel like he’s still alive: a virgin. In the brothel of a picturesque town, he sees the young woman from the back, completely naked, and his life changes radically. Now that he meets her he finds himself close to dying, not of old age, but rather of love.

Memoria de mis putas tristes is the story of this eccentric, solitary old man, a narrative of his sexual adventures (of which there were many), for which he always paid, never imagining that this would be the way he would discover true love.


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