Liked The Movie? Ignore The Book
New York Times critic Caryn James has an article on movies that outshine the books they were based on -- ranging from Jules Et Jim to War Of The Worlds to Jaws. Oddly enough, she leaves out perhaps one of the best examples: Coppola's The Godfather, which completely trumped Mario Puzo's enjoyable though badly-written book.
Interesting article; need to write a long piece on page-to-screen translations myself. But I think what makes for even more compelling analysis is great works of literature turned into great films - especially when there's more than one film version (obvious example: different versions of Macbeth by Kurosawa, Polanski and Welles).
And yes, The Godfather is a strange omission from the article (though it's equally strange how many people I know who think the book is an absolute classic).
Jabberwock, at 10:59 AM
Come to think of it, it would be interesting to do an article simply on the different versions of Macbeth: the directors' unique interpretations of the play, and how their films differ from one another. (IMDB lists 41 separate versions, including silent b/w films, and those made for TV. And there's also something called 'Macbeth in Manhattan'!) Then, of course, there's our very own 'Maqbool'...
PrufrockTwo, at 11:44 AM
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