Muriel Spark, 1918 - 2006
`"I don't like messages in novels. I don't like them being used as a propaganda machine, although what drives a novelist to deal with such situations is to improve the human race's understanding of itself." - Dame Muriel Spark, who passed away at 88 in Tuscany earlier this evening.
I love Spark. I read most of her books in school, but only have A Far Cry From Kensington with me. With ref. to your later posts, it's remarkable that not one bookshop I know of in Bombay carries her books. Since she died I've been thinking of Momento Mori, which I tink is her best work, better that The Prime ... So if you do see it anywhere, or know who stocks it, please let me know.
Sonia Faleiro, at 10:16 AM
Haven't read 'Memento Mori' myself but recently read 'Aiding and Abetting', which I procured from the British Council library in Mumbai. Perhaps they'd have a copy.
PrufrockTwo, at 11:23 AM
I've read a few and enjoyed what little I've read. All of the books I read were bought at second-hand book stores/stalls etc. I hear the Churchgate thing in Bombay is no more?
Mr. D, at 10:57 PM
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