Prufrock's Page

Friday, September 08, 2006

Literary Civility

One had earlier written about James Wood and Zadie Smith shaking hands and making up. Well, another, more intense and longer-running literary feud seems to have ended: that between Julian Barnes and Martin Amis. Oliver Duff reports:

"I am delighted to announce that Julian Barnes and Martin Amis were seen locked in discussion and a 'fraternal embrace' at Hyde Park's Serpentine Gallery on Wednesday night, during the paperback launch party for Barnes's novel, Arthur & George."

Check the report out for the sordid tale of dental work and henpecked husbands.

Can someone now tell Tom Wolfe to make nice with Irving, Mailer and Updike?


  • I hear rumors that Mr Naipaul is soon going to meet with human representatives of Planet Earth to discuss a cease-fire agreement.

    However, little hope remains for a lasting peace in the region.

    In other news, Arundhati Roy and Christopher Hitchens are on the verge of beginning a torrid and utterly wanton affair.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:32 AM  

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