Prufrock's Page

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Another Deadline Whizzes By

In an article on the importance given to prodigies in today's times, Alexandra Schwartz writes:

"Virginia Woolf, author of some of the best-known books of the 20th century, was, among other things, astonishingly prolific. But by today's terms of success, she was quite a late starter. Woolf published her first book at the age of 33. Mrs. Dalloway and To The Lighthouse, her two masterpieces, followed 10 and 12 years later respectively, when Woolf was already in her mid-40s. With the current pressure to turn out masterpieces before the age of 25, such a delay seems increasingly unlikely for a modern author."

Extremely depressing to read such things early in the morning.


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